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Find out what your soul wants you to know

Have you ever wondered …Who am I? Why am I here? Why is my life the way it is?
Now you can know the answers to these questions and more!

By understanding the ancient and little-known sacred sound codes correlating to the letters in your name, we create your very own divine soul blueprint for this lifetime. You’ll quickly see how profound your life really is!

Your very own individual Soul Blueprint will provide answers to your soul-expanding questions by understanding the divine codes connected to the letters of your name.

Awaken Your Spirituality

12-Week 1:1 concierge transformational program. You will get connected, clear your path, and be on your way to realizing your dreams!

Your Soul Blueprint Reading

This reading is based on the sound vibration of your name. Along with other things, your name is your unique identifier that in large part creates your current conditions.

Activate Your Sacred Self-Leadership

Every week you receive a new life category to explore, develop, and implement in your own personal way for deep life purpose activation. 

Meet Suzanne

I’m Suzanne Fensin, and I’ve been a life coach for over 20 years. I realized that a big piece was missing, the piece that connected clients to their individual soul destiny. When I experienced this process I knew right away that the Soul Blueprint along with some coaching would get that connection.

For some, this means stepping more confidently onto the path they’re currently on. For others, they can enable their dreams to come true much more quickly and painlessly. Either way, I’ll be helping propel you into your innate magnificence with one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and more.

“This reading helped me separate my soul identity from what I was taught to believe about myself.  This is powerful.  Very multi-dimensional.  It has triggered an expansion in me.  My heart is full.  I’m kind of scared, but I’m ready.  I want to do the coaching program.”

—Amara G.

“Wow!  There was a lot of information there.  I knew something was holding me back and I couldn’t get clear on what I needed to fulfill my purpose.  Suzanne’s unique wisdom and gentle intuitive view of how my codes have and continue to affect my life was very enlightening and I deeply aligned with the information.  I feel like I was able to blast a boulder out of the road in front of me.  Thank you, Suzanne.  I look forward to working with you further!”

—Jessica T.

“Suzanne has helped me see that there are patterns that occur in my life.  She also provided insight into the changes that could be expected soon.  She explained how some of the aspects of my personality could be used to help others and myself.  Overall, I found this life purpose experience to be enlightening and encouraging.  I recommend this reading, and Suzanne as your Spiritual Coach to anyone who would like to become more self-aware.”

—Carol Z.

Discovering a Destiny Bridging Many Realities

In the early 1960’s the seeds are being planted for mass devastation of the planet. Technology and science are replacing the ancient wisdom of caring for our home. Psychology is gaining ascendancy over spirituality and progress for profit has created a produce-and-consume frenzy for those who can get in the game.

Into this environment is born Mark Lameur, also known as Wind Walker, a child of spiritually highly developed parents. He is brought up to know his ever-present Spirit Guides and to respect the beings that guide the elements, plants, and animals around him. He is also thoroughly educated in the ways of the world, gaining first-hand experience of prejudice and hatred.

With his brother, Joey, a healer, he learns to navigate the realities he knows. And he prepares to meet his greater destiny, one that may hold the future of the earth in the balance.

View a preview here:

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