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Over 20 years ago, I was existing based on others’ expectations.  I had the college degree, the corporate management job, and the benefits.  All signs of success per my family and friends.  But, I was miserable, and not enough in touch with my spiritual self to know any better.

The company I was working for was dysfunctional.  It offended my sense of fairness and justice for fellow employees and health and safety regulations.  I wasn’t paid what I was worth.  There was no respect for doing the work of higher management.  I felt like I was walking through a minefield on a daily basis.  My co-workers were bullied and treated un-fairly.  They didn’t speak up because they didn’t want to lose their job and benefits, so they stayed miserable, thinking it was normal.

The continued stress began to destroy my health.  I knew I was in trouble when the daily morning stomach aches began.  Just the thought of going to work made me sick. 

My health worsened.  I was overworked with little joy in my life.  Eventually, I became so sick with a mysterious malady that took me down and out on a regular basis, that I could see no reason to go on living.  I was tired of struggling and not able to see it getting better. 

One day, after a particularly difficult day, I came home exhausted.  I dragged myself to bed and fell asleep.  When I awoke, I was paralyzed from the waist down.  I couldn’t move.  I couldn’t get to the phone to call for help, and I didn’t care enough to try.  I couldn’t see my daily struggle to survive getting any better so I gave up and cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up, my room looked different.  My legs worked.  I felt different, tentative, not so much in pain.  I slowly walked to my living room and sat on the couch, looking out the window at the tree in my yard.  As I marveled at the tree’s brilliant green leaves, the tree spoke to me.

“This is your second chance,”  The tree said.

As a highly sensitive child, I had communicated with trees and animals and loved it.  By the time I was an adult, I had shut myself down to survive and had lost that connection, and now marveled at this newfound connection with the tree.

This was my chance to do life differently.  Apparently, when I gave up, ready to die, I let go of a lot of the drama and trauma which allowed my body to reset.

I went back to work, changing my mindset from hating my job and life to knowing there was something better and I was in control of finding and making it happen.  My workplace was a mirror to show me what wasn’t working.

I began studying spirituality and reconnected to my spiritual self.  Life became magical and interesting again.  Synchronicities were common, showing me the way. 

One of those synchronicities was an ad for Life Purpose Coaching Certification in a magazine I just happened to pick up a couple of weeks after my hitting bottom.

I didn’t have the funds to pay for the training, but magically, the money appeared in my account.  This was just one of many of the signs that I was on the right track.  So, I completed the training, quit my job, and started my business, all without fear.

As an introvert, I would have never in a million years thought I would one day become a coach, talking with people about their most intimate life details, or public speaking, or becoming an award-winning author of a published novel, or running my own business.

I had achieved lift off, but there was still something more I needed to fully align with in my coaching.  You see, through the years of coaching, there was something missing; something more expansive at a soul level that I sought.

And, along came another synchronicity – the universe introduced me to the Sacred Sound Codes.  This was the profound information I was looking for.  This is what I wanted to help my clients achieve quick and empowering life purpose activation. 

Once I began working with the sacred codes in my life, so much changed, both in my personal and professional life.  All the questions I had regarding my blocks were revealed and I continue releasing them for greater expansion.  

Instead of struggle, my life is full of ease and grace with much more capacity to love and share myself with the world.  I have a whole new view of myself.  I am validated and can now show up with strength in knowing who I am and why I’m here, and feeling and living my expanded heart essence when living the beauty of my soul-level life plan.

Having this experience in my life immediately propelled me to create my Divine Soul Blueprint 12-week 4-step Transformational Program for my clients.

My greatest desire in putting this program together is to give my clients profound discovery of their soul level purpose, help them back into control of their destiny, understand and clear the blocks that have immobilized them, and set them on their path with empowerment and excitement and loving their new life.